the weird, the queer, and the gay

Conceived by years of frustration, birthed and inspired by my friend's blog...hope this blog could be an avenue for 'intelligent' discussions about everyday topics and occasional oddities of the human psyche which I know everyone is curious about...everyone is welcome to join...whether you're normal, weird, queer or gay...

Sunday, October 15, 2006


My bestfriend was about to take his vacation and is going back to the Philippines to be with friends and family. The day he arrived a storm warning was issued that a super storm would hit the metro within 24 hours. It was Thursday when the storm hit. Good thing that my friend arrived the day before. The storm was so strong that I feared that any moment our roof would be blown away by its fierce winds. I felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz when her house was uprooted by a tornado. Luckily, the house survived with minimum damage (though I can’t say the same for the surroundings). During the storm a blackout swept over the metropolis, it was a major bummer. We were clueless that this blackout would last for four days! My bestfriend called and we chatted. I told him that he brought with him the storm and we laughed at it not knowing the series of unfortunate events to come.

Saturday, my bestfriend told me to gather the whole gang so that we could go out and celebrate his arrival. First on our itinerary was the computer shop on the side of the metro where the blackout did no longer affect. When the whole gang got there the shop was filled to a point that you could imagine that PC spaces are under rationing. So we searched the area for other shops so that we could play before going into party mode. Alas, no open PC shop offered vacant PC’s and seats for us weary wanderers. So we decided to go to the mall. As unlucky as we were, the moment we stepped on the mall the lights went out (no people it was not Friday the thirteenth). We decided to eat first and wait for the lights to come on. After eating it was about sunset, so my friend and I decided not to play anymore and head straight to the bar to get reservations for the gang, we were a party of 10 mind you and it was no easy feat to get a table for 10 on a Saturday night. So a friend and I went to the bar in advance while the others looked for a computer shop. We rode a taxi, and as the taxi was getting over the flyover, (oh my gosh!) it stalled. Yikes! My friend and I were forced to push the vehicle until it spurred to life. Talk about a day of mishaps! When we arrived at the bar I immediately ordered an ice cold beer and chugged it like I was roaming the desert for weeks!

I never had a more exhausting day in my life. Good thing that I have spent this horrible day with my closest friends… and the booze was unlimited courtesy of my bestfriend!