the weird, the queer, and the gay

Conceived by years of frustration, birthed and inspired by my friend's blog...hope this blog could be an avenue for 'intelligent' discussions about everyday topics and occasional oddities of the human psyche which I know everyone is curious about...everyone is welcome to join...whether you're normal, weird, queer or gay...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Three States of Matter...
When we were just on our years in primary school we learned about the three states of matter. Then as technology, as well as science, advanced we were introduced to the fourth. Then as I was talking to my friends (from the dark side), I stopped to think that gay people can be likened to the three states of matter. So kids listen closely, we might have a surprise quiz after this...lolz.
Let's start with the most unstable state...the 'gas'. They are the gay persons that we commonly see working in beauty parlors. Most commonly referred as screaming fags, they are those that dresses like women, has loud voices (like people they are talking with are always ten feet away from them), they don various colored hairs (from pink to green) and they are what I deem as the most desperate to be what they are not. I am not posing judgment on these people, but hey, people like us have enough problems to deal with, so let's not give them (people not like us) reason to discriminate or even (worst case scenarios) hate us. I highly respect the 'gas' flamboyant nature and sense of style, and their loud sense of humor certainly could perk up a rather mundane conversation. A more scientific term for the 'gas' people are transvestite (look it up in the dictionary!).

The next state is the 'liquid' state. The liquid state is a mix-breed of the first and the last states. They are loud as loud can be, but retains the attire (and some manners) of our indigenous gender. We can closely examine this state of matter almost anywhere. From the notorious backwater movie houses of Quiapo to the high-end lofts of Makati. People like us coined this state as pamintang durog. I, and most of my friends on the dark side, typically belong in this category. We tend to stick together and sometimes shun the company of the 'gas' state. The 'liquid' state has a firm grip of his/her (?) sexual orientation and is not as desperate to be what one cannot.
As you all know, 'solid' is the last state. They are the ones that we normally term as closet queens. They are in hiding and are afraid to show other people what they really are. We commonly see this kind of people at gyms flexing their muscles, exercising, trying to salvage what little sense of their nature there is (but frankly they are there to ogle over other 'real' guys' abs and plexuses). I have met a number of them and for various reasons these people chose to hide who they really are. Coined as pamintang buo they have the hardest, not to mention loneliest times for they cannot fully enjoy themselves for fear that they would be exposed.
Hope this little comparison give you (people not like us) an inside look of the world that we (people like us) move in. So in case you by discover a fourth or even a fifth state please post a comment so that we could scientifically verify your discovery.


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